
Your wellness is of utmost importance to us – as a student, 是的, but first and foremost as a child of God. Our mission is to foster the well-being of mind, body, and spirit for all our students. It’s good to know you have access to our on-campus 学生健康, 健康, and Counseling centers for any health needs you may have as a student at CUW.

Get started, schedule an appointment

学生健康是寻找学生心理健康和健康support的起点. 与我们的入院/分诊协调员预约,为您的心理健康和健康之旅提供个性化的方法,并帮助您确定积极的前进道路. 电子邮件 StudentWellness@izmirkiz.net 或打电话 262-243-2244 今天!

Concordia's health and wellness resources:

If you’re struggling in any way whatsoever, there's someone on campus who can help.


学生健康中心的团队随时准备为学生提供全面的医疗服务, support, and education for any health concern you have. Our licensed professional 工作人员, 包括护士, 护士, and physician assistants can assess, diagnose and treat illnesses and injuries. We are also able to provide sports physicals, 实验室测试, 分发药物, and assist you in meeting health requirements for your 程序 of study. Please call 262-243-4574 to schedule an appointment. Learn more about the 学生健康中心.


Visit the 咨询中心 if you’re struggling with issues of anxiety, 抑郁症, 物质滥用, 家庭暴力, 攻击, 学习困难, and more – even difficulties adjusting to college. Concordia’s clinically trained, 有同理心的咨询人员在这里帮助你解决你在康考迪亚大学可能面临的任何困难. Learn more about 咨询中心.

A unique aspect of our counseling 服务s is our Comfort Dog Ministry! Spend some time with Zoey or Sage to refocus, relax, or re-energize yourself.



A Life Coach works with students on a range of professional and personal issues, but it is distinct from counseling. Life coaches help you with improving performance, 开发巴黎人官方注册潜能, 解决方案发现, 目标设定. 生活教练可以帮助你认识到你在哪里卡住了,并确定需要做出哪些改变来实现巴黎人官方注册目标. 

If you need a life coach, learn more about requesting one here.


CUW猎鹰support网络(FSN)促进学生的福祉,并授权康考迪亚大学的学生通过support彼此的心理健康和福祉来创建一个有弹性的社区, and day-to-day lives through weekly, 同侪促进小组, and community-building events. 了解更多关于FSN的信息.


基督教团体的力量在于人们意识到彼此需要,并向彼此伸出援手,寻求support和理解. 康考迪亚的校园事工团队提供了无数涉及团契的事工机会, 服务, 和崇拜. 点击这里参与进来.


肯考迪娅的年代.M.A.R.T. Lab is for students to optimize their achievement, 成功, 通过发展压力管理技能和弹性训练来实现整体健康. 一旦您适应了实验室的使用,您就可以使用您的CUW ID卡24/7访问它. Learn more about getting access to Evelyn’s Place here.


的 感觉房间 is for students who want to optimize their achievement, 成功, 感觉监管, 通过发展压力管理技能和感官调节来实现整体健康. Learn more about the 感觉房间. 

Off 校园 Christian Counseling Resources

康科迪亚的员工可以通过信诺的员工援助计划(EAP)获得医疗服务,这份清单对寻求校外咨询的学生也很有帮助. 这些顾问中的大多数都与许多保险公司有联系,并且/或者为那些没有保险的人提供负担得起的价格. Access the list of Lutheran Counselors located throughout the US here.



罗马书12章10节呼召我们要彼此委身,如同一个充满爱的家庭,彼此尊重,胜过尊重自己. 加入我们,共同建设一个没有骚扰、种族主义、性别歧视和暴力的社区. By taking this pledge, you are committing to Learn, Identify, Intervene, and Support those in the Concordia community. 以H1A的承诺为例.

We also have an H1A student team to support our community goals. If you would like more information on joining the H1A student team, please contact Samuel Reinhardt at 撒母耳.reinhardt@izmirkiz.net.


好撒玛利亚人小组(GST)是一个跨学科的行为干预小组,旨在识别和帮助那些被认为对自己或他人有社会风险的学生, 精神上, 身体上的, 和/或精神上. 我们鼓励教师, 工作人员, 如果学生对康考迪亚学生的健康状况有担忧,请联系学生教务处. 了解更多关于商品及服务税.


旨在指导康考迪亚大学通过一个综合系统的协作过程, 程序, 在现有学生心理健康的基础上制定政策,提供定制support, 物质使用, and suicide prevention efforts. 的 ultimate goal is the creation and maintenance of a safer, 更健康的, and better-informed campus community. 了解更多关于JED的信息.

Substance abuse prevention:

Concordia Universities 校园安全 Office is committed to maintaining a drug-free campus. 滥用酒精和毒品会对职业、学业和家庭生活产生巨大影响. 大学, 因此, 鼓励社区中可能遇到毒品或酒精问题的成员寻求帮助.

学生 are encouraged to contact the 学生健康 Office at 262-243-2244 或电邮至 StudentWellness@izmirkiz.net for assistance if struggling with substance abuse.


认识到阿片类药物的使用以及因阿片类药物使用而导致的相关过量风险在区域内继续上升, Naloxone (Narcan) is available throughout the campus. Each AED cabinet on campus contains a two pack of Narcan nasal spray. 校园安全办公室(Rincker 23)和学生健康中心(Albrecht 113)也有Narcan。.

Off campus resources for substance abuse 服务s:

If you are interested in learning how to respond to an opioid overdose, please reach out to 学生健康 for free training opportunities or visit NextDistro.org for community resources and free Narcan discretely mailed to you at no cost.


开始恢复's Website 为正在处理物质使用问题的人及其家庭成员提供有用的信息, 朋友, 和同事, 太. 他们的目标是为那些正在处理物质使用问题的人提供一个有信誉的单一来源, objective information about signs, 症状, 条件, 治疗方案和资源—以用户友好的格式和易于理解的语言呈现.

请毫不犹豫地与中大学生健康中心的招生/分诊协调员联系,帮助他们寻找机密信息, support for 物质滥用 through campus and community resources.

Locking Prescription Bottles

需要安全储存处方药的学生可以向校园安全办公室(Rincker 023)或学生健康中心(Albrecht 113)申请一个上锁的处方药瓶。.

这些锁定处方瓶允许学生选择一个四位数的组合瓶盖. Once the combination is set, 然后,您可以将原始处方瓶插入锁定瓶中,以确保您的药物安全.


遇到心理健康危机的学生,如果觉得自己的处方药不安全,可以到校园安全办公室,把药物放在一个上锁的储物箱里. 学生健康中心的护士经理是校园里唯一一个可以取回存放在锁箱里的药物的人. 使用药箱的学生应将规定剂量的药物保存不超过48小时. If they haven’t been already, 学生将被连接到学生健康办公室,安排与辅导员的预约或看到健康中心的提供者. After meeting with a provider and when the student is no longer in crisis, the 健康 Center manager can return the medication to the student.


Family Sharing - Mobile Food Pantry

Family Sharing mobile food panty visits CUW each month on the following days between 1:00pm and 1:45pm.

  • 06/15/23
  • 06/19/23
  • 06/29/23
  • 07/12/23
  • 07/27/23
  • 08/10/23
  • 08/24/23
  • 09/07/23
  • 09/21/23
  • 11/02/23
  • 11/16/23
  • 12/07/23
  • 12/21/23

Please RSVP ahead of time by either calling: 262-256-0020, or 网上注册.

Contact Samuel Reinhardt at 撒母耳.reinhardt@izmirkiz.net 了解更多信息.


谈论心理健康可能会让人不舒服,但它会让一切变得不同. 看看 抓住尴尬's Website for 太l and tips – that can help you help those in need.


提高巴黎人官方注册感激之情, 幸福, 冥想, and positive mindset through this virtual course offered by Yale University. This course is FREE and self-paced, which means you can work through the lessons and skills in a timeframe that suits you. Register for the course here.