COVID-19 Hotline262-243-4344

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Student guidelines

Updated 08/03/2022

A safe and complete return

We take your health and well-being seriously and pray for your continued safety and well-being. Thank you for your cooperation by following these guidelines.


COVID-19 vaccinations are still the safest and most effective way to prevent serious illness or death related to the virus and any variants. While Concordia is not mandating vaccinations, we highly encourage them. Please consider getting your vaccination.

There are opportunities to receive the vaccine on campus (Pfizer). If you are interested in receiving the vaccine, please visit and complete the form.


Masks at this time are optional unless you have tested positive for COVID. Upon return, you are to mask for 5 days. They are available at all major entrances.

If campus COVID-19 infection rates begin to increase again, if there is a sizable outbreak on campus, or if local healthcare agency guidance concerning masks changes changes, campus mask guidelines may be updated.

Class attendance

Students will attend their courses as designated by the course (i.e. seated courses will be face-to-face, virtual courses will be virtual, and online courses will be online). Students enrolled in face-to-face class sections are expected to attend in-person. Attendance will be taken and recorded as usual on the CUWAA portal using our automatic attendance tool.

Students who miss an in-person class due to illness (whether COVID-19 or another illness) must follow the course policy for notifying the instructor and making up any missed material or assignments.


Concordia University seeks to ensure an equal learning experience for all students. Students are expected to attend class as the class is delivered; however, students who encounter barriers to their learning due to a disability and/or medical condition must work through the Academic Resource Center (ARC) to establish accommodations.

All accommodation needs are assessed on an individual basis by the Academic Resource Center. Students must disclose to the ARC that they have a disability and/or medical condition. Faculty should not inquire about the medical reasons students are seeking accommodations.

Students displaying COVID19 symptoms, but who have not been diagnosed, who by policy should stay away from the classroom, may work with their faculty members to keep up with the class. If, however, the student’s absences/illness interfere significantly with the course, faculty are encouraged to refer the student to the ARC and work closely with the ARC to implement accommodations.

CUW contact

Jan Chapman, M.Ed.
Director, Academic Resource Center & Accessibility Services


Our partners at Sodexo are planning a delicious dining experience for you on campus this fall. At this time, there are no restrictions. Enjoy meals and snacks with all your friends again!

Residence halls

Residence Halls will be open at full capacity for the 2022-2023 academic year in accordance with CDC guidelines. The university is committed to providing an enriched co-curricular experience for all students.

Guests are currently allowed in the residence halls. Residents will be informed as policies are updated in accordance with CDC guidelines.

Quarantine and isolation

Students who test positive for COVID-19 should

go home or self-isolate for 5 days. Upon return, they are to wear a mask for 5 days.