获得4 -9年级的教学执照

提高巴黎人官方注册教学能力, 掌握课堂管理技巧, 并制定学习策略,有效地领导小学课堂. Cultivate the confidence and expertise needed to establish an engaging and dynamic learning environment for students ranging from 4K to ninth grade. This flexible online program is designed for individuals currently in the field of education or those aspiring to embark on a rewarding career in teaching.


This program runs in 8-week sessions with multiple start dates during the fall, spring, & 夏天.


获得威斯康星州4 -9年级教师执照.

问题? 我们是来帮忙的

Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


我们的团队随时准备为您提供更多的项目细节, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


你需要获得学士学位才能参加这个项目. You will earn your Wisconsin teacher license to be certified in elementary education. 我们培养关爱, 熟练的, 以及善于反思的教师,他们将成为公共场合的仆人式领导者, 私人, 还有教区学校.

Our relevant curriculum prepares you to work with diverse student populations and gives you the ability to differentiate instruction to meet the academic needs of all learners. 除了, classroom observation and student teaching will develop your abilities to effectively lead a classroom.

学生 who desire licensure in another state must contact their state department of education for details about whether or not this coursework will meet state requirements. 学生 from outside of Wisconsin may earn the Master’s degree without teacher licensing.

  • 加速程序 
  • Option to start the program at the beginning of any 8-week session during the year
  • 小班授课,注重个人关注
  • 获得 只有 取得教师资格证后,该课程可在2年内完成. Earning your master's degree with the licensure will require an additional 6 months.
  • 在线/混合 -课程以小组形式在线学习, 参与每周讨论, 的帖子, 作业, 等. 每门课程都有明确的开始和结束日期. Courses are 8 weeks long and each one will require one virtual Saturday session delivered via Zoom.
  • (45)临床时数
  • Passing score on Foundations of Reading Test (FORT) is required for licensure
  • (25)学前教学时间
  • 你将在课程的最后一个学期进行教学.
  • 转入最多至 50%的研究生学分.
  • 利用程序, 学位工作, 哪个是一个基于网络的计划工具,可以帮助你监控巴黎人官方注册进度.

你可以期待成为你一直梦想成为的那种教育家. Here’s how we make that happen: You’ll learn relevant teaching strategies to implement in the classroom, while also staying ahead of the curve on new technologies that can enhance your instruction. 你将了解当今教育工作者所面临的挑战, 包括学校法律, 法定权利和教师责任, 同时检查与父母和社区的关系. You will focus on the teacher as a role model, both in and out of the classroom. 一直以来, you’ll build your portfolio and demonstrate growth and competency in teaching standards. 当然, 你需要完成巴黎人官方注册学生教学要求, 这样做,你会在课堂上获得宝贵的实地经验. 通过这一切, 你会成为一个更有能力、更自信的教育者, 准备好塑造学生的年轻生活.

WI DPI -小学教师执照(#2088)4k -9年级

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