Expand your teaching career with an add-on license in special education

A license in cross-categorical special education will further develop your skills and awareness to serve K-12 students with varying disabilities. Learn to create an inclusive environment for students with learning, 知识, 情感行为障碍. Strengthen your teaching abilities to apply the best learning strategies for their needs.


许可证涵盖知识产权 & specific learning disabilities, 情感行为障碍.


Participate in flexible 8-week courses that are practical for today's students.

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Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


If you hold a Tier II or above Wisconsin DPI (Department of Public Instruction) teacher license, you are eligible to earn your add-on cross-categorical licensure in special education. This 16-credit license prepares teachers to work with K-12 students with the following disabilities:

  • 智障人士(身份证)
  • 特殊学习障碍(SLD)
  • 情绪/行为障碍(EBD) 


You will learn to identify characteristics of children with disabilities, 评估学生, 为IEP团队服务, and create learning environments that align with their physical, 社会, 情感需求. Upon program completion, you will be eligible to apply for the WI DPI add-on teacher license.

License vs master's in special education - What's the difference?

Interested in obtaining your master's of education in special education? All of the 16-credits from this cross-categorical licensure count towards the 30-degree minimum required for this 研究生 degree. 


如果你有 尚未获得 威斯康辛州教师执照, choose to earn your initial SPED license 在线 through our accelerated 学士学位 or 学士学位阶段后的 通路.

  • 加速8周 在线 会话
  • 在每周截止日期内按照自己的时间表完成
  • 个性化的关注
  • 与同学和教师进行在线讨论
  • Complete special education portfolios as part of the required assessment process
  • 完成规定的实习时间. This student teaching can even be completed in your current school upon approval.
  • Rolling admissions (Applications are taken at any time and you can start at the beginning of the next 8-week session.)

Passing the Praxis II (MS Content Knowledge) and the WI Foundations of Reading Test (FORT) may be required for some 研究生 students. 持有3分的人.GPA为0的每门课程都不必参加修习II. Teachers with a lifetime license do not have to take the WI FORT.

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