Earn real-world experience through faith-based learning and 动手实践

成为新事物的一部分. Concordia's NEW industrial engineering program will prepare students to enter rewarding and high paying career. Take the next steps in your career with Concordia’s NEW industrial engineering program. 作为一名工程师, you will focus on not only improving the quality of goods and services but also finding new ways to improve productivity levels. Our faculty will prepare you to use the skills you learned in the classroom for challenges you might face every day.


Have the opportunity for 动手实践 and experimental learning opportunities

  • 工艺工程师
  • 操作工程师
  • 首席劳动工程师

在康科迪亚的工业工程项目中继续巴黎人官方注册下一步. Industrial Engineering is a discipline that involves efficient design and continuous improvement of critical processes and systems by integrating people and technology. Industrial engineers address challenges to make businesses more effective and productive. The need for industrial engineers is very clear in manufacturing and service industries- for example, 在质量控制等领域, 系统优化, 数据驱动设计, 组织改进, 安全, 和可持续性. 作为一名工业工程师, you will focus on not only improving the quality of goods and services but also finding new ways to improve productivity levels. Our faculty will prepare you to use the skills you learned in the classroom for challenges you might face every day.

Our program will provide students with technical and creative problem-solving skills that meet professional expectations. The curriculum will be grounded in a Christian approach to making the workplace safer and more efficient. 在数学和基础科学方面有很强的基础, 课程包括工程经济学, 科学和材料的强度, 实验的质量/设计, 制造系统和流程, 工作设计与人际互动, 设施设计, 生产运行分析, 项目管理, 建模与优化, 学习处理, 和仿真, to prepare you for a versatile career to better the workforce and world for generations to come. 我们培养学生作为工业工程师进入劳动力市场, 生产经理, 制造生产主管, 还有更多的职业.

The mission of Industrial Engineering is to positively affect communities by developing Christ-centered engineers who create a safer and more efficient workplace by applying best practices, 现代技术, 以及对他们职业的创新. The vision of all Engineering programs at Concordia is to produce Christ-centered Engineers with strong analytical, 设计和实验室经验, 为工业或高级学习做好准备, who will positively affect communities by integrating their faith and learning.

满足博士. Subha Kumpaty-工程主席


The Industrial Engineering program consists of 131 credits, completed over eight semesters. 学生 will practice skills with hands-on experiential learning opportunities under the supervision of qualified and experienced faculty. 学生 will complete a capstone design project and are strongly encouraged to complete an internship. 完成该课程的总典型时间为四年. 



在我们的整个项目中, our faculty will train you to become successful engineers with technical and creative problem-solving skills that meet professional expectations. You will have 动手实践 and experimental learning opportunities under the direct supervision of qualified and experienced faculty.


通过我们的课程和实验, you'll have 动手实践 and experiential learning opportunities under the direct supervision of qualified and experienced faculty.

You'll develop your problem-solving skills using appropriate engineering applications, 学会使用最佳实践和创造力来做出明智的决定, and equip yourself with the ability to solve complex problems that drive innovation and organizational success.


你将在文科的坚实基础上开始这个项目, 完成巴黎人官方注册通识教育学分和康科迪亚大学的核心要求. 工程专业课程将于2024年秋季开始. 我们强烈鼓励在读学生和转学生申请.

适用于今天 请求的信息

