
If you’re involved in rehabilitative sciences, 护理, 医疗保健实践, 研究, 政府, 或诉讼, then you’re on the front lines of having to deal with ethical questions surrounding health care and the human person. You have to make decisions that not only have legal implications, but also moral ones. This certificate will help you understand the ethical consequences at stake and how to respond in difficult situations.


$1000s in new scholarships exclusively for adult and post-traditional learners.


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Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


Our team is standing by to assist you with additional program details, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


在获得证书的过程中, you’ll get to explore the world of moral theory, 伦理决策程序, 以及当前的生物伦理学文献. Because this is an intensive, 研究生-level program, you must have a bachelor’s degree. You can earn the 研究生 certificate in bioethics as a standalone certificate or in conjunction with a master’s or doctoral degree at CUW. Because we want this program to work with your schedule, we’ve incorporated a great deal of flexibility into the format. Our classes are offered on campus or online - so you can learn no matter where you are on the map. And because we want to accommodate your busy schedule, we’ve designed our online classes to be self-paced.


You’re going to begin your studies by learning to discern and critique the current competing approaches to ethics. This will give you the foundation to explore the meaning of ethics, the implications of technological advancements, 以及基督教的伦理学观点. You’ll be challenged to discuss real-life circumstances including biotechnology, 临终问题, 进行伦理研究. All of these topics will be addressed in a way that affirms biblical truth, 认真回答反对意见, and provides relevant and practical knowledge to act on ethical principles. 无论你是在医疗保健行业工作, 研究, 或诉讼, you’ll be equipped to make decisions that are not only legal, 但是道德上是合理的.

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